CDU - Charles Darwin University
CDU stands for Charles Darwin University
Here you will find, what does CDU stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Charles Darwin University? Charles Darwin University can be abbreviated as CDU What does CDU stand for? CDU stands for Charles Darwin University. What does Charles Darwin University mean?Charles Darwin University is an expansion of CDU
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Alternative definitions of CDU
- Camden airport
- Caribbean Democrat Union
- Camara Dance Unlimited
- control display unit
- central display unit
- cockpit display unit
- commander display unit, 5
View 41 other definitions of CDU on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CR City of Rochester
- CVB City of Virginia Beach
- CV Commonwealth of Virginia
- CTMG Chicago Tribune Media Group
- CLU California Lutheran University
- CC The Computer Company
- CA City of Aurora
- CR County of Riverside
- CSA Clover South Africa
- CCP Child Care Provider
- CSC Cold Stone Creamery
- CPIC Citizens Property Insurance Corporation
- CSU Chicago State University
- CT City of Tallahassee
- CFN Commonwealth Financial Network
- CMG Chandler Macleod Group
- CT City of Tampa
- CS City of Sydney
- CHL Crowe Horwath LLP
- CFF Cystic Fibrosis Foundation